Summer & Winter Games Camps


New study motivation initiative for UVAS

A course and labor market measure of 8 -10 weeks where, on average, 95% of the participants go on to study or other employment immediately after completing the intervention.

Our valued courses are aimed at young adults who neither work nor study (UVAS). In the courses, we use games as an engine and tool in our guidance together with cooperating staff. Courses at upper secondary level within municipal adult education or folk high school, an adapted effort for the entire age range within the municipal activity responsibility and the elderly.
Together, we can create new opportunities and make a difference for UVAS in your region. We are looking for enablers who want to use our new concepts. We know that one of our major challenges is exclusion among young adults, that it is difficult to both reach and retain them in a labor market effort. But we also know what interests the target group.

The only thing required of the participants is an interest in playing games

Once in action, we connect the participants’ abilities to needs on the labor market by motivating, introducing and showing new ways. Our own full-scale educational game and board game Hot Skills® Sweden is one of the tools we use. We strive to ignite their inherent drive and commitment to ensure long-term sustainability.

What have our results looked like in the past?

Through various efforts and projects, we have effectively managed to reach out to the target group and achieved fantastically good results
Results from our two most recent Summercamps in 2023 aimed at UVAS:

Summer camp Boden:


  • 100% had an individual plan ready after completing Summercamp.
  • 100% of the young people after completing the intervention went directly on to studies or other employment.
  • 100% of participants would recommend the intervention to other young adults who are neither working nor studying.

Summer camp Hola folk high school:

  • 100% had an individual plan ready after completing Summercamp.
  • 100% of the young people after completing the intervention went directly on to studies or other employment.
  • 100% of participants would recommend the intervention to other young adults who are neither working nor studying.

All our courses are in Swedish and are conducted by subject-knowledgeable staff. The participants get a direct contact with us, we highlight our experience and our network in the gaming industry. Course length is adjusted based on your wishes. Principal provides certain things based on agreement

The courses are designed with a number of parts/assignments in a module where you tackle a new subject or profession in each module.
The courses are flexible and they can be completed entirely remotely, on-site or as a hybrid version. The courses can be delivered separately.

Study motivation course – computer game development

Example: Participants learn how to develop a computer game. An introductory course that does not require prior knowledge. Individually or in groups, the participants produce at least one digital game. We teach level design, pixel art and programming in an easy and fun way and end the course with a game project, presentation and play testing.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec fringilla diam semper mauris vehicula facilisis. Pellentesque dignissim tempus scelerisque. Proin justo mi, fermentum id eros a, condimentum mollis orci. Sed molestie pulvinar efficitur. Aliquam maximus diam eros, vel fringilla nulla malesuada vitae. Nunc mattis dui ut arcu molestie commodo. Sed urna justo, mattis quis aliquam in, viverra eget urna.